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Re: Upgrade combined server (wheezy -> jessie)

Hi Wolfgang,

On Dienstag, 3. März 2015, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
> thanks for your comments, helping a lot to get things sorted.

:) Likewise do your bug reports! :-)
> > also: is this really mandatory for jessie or just nice to have?
> squid is available in wheezy and sid, but missing in jessie. So it would
> work but won't get any fixes, I guess.


Also see https://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/amd64/release-notes/ch-
> > > Get back the right Kerberos file.
> the cfengine run overwrites the file, bug filed.

maybe this bug should have been serious after all....
> > > Make GOsa² work with new php version.
> > or does this restore gosa.secrets?
> yes.

ok, cool!
> > > Cleaning up.
> > > ------------
> > > for i in $(dpkg -l|grep ^rc|cut -d' ' -f3);do dpkg -P $i;done
> > 
> > Not sure this should be there and if, it should be prepended by a warning
> > that this will remove configuration files of removed packages and should
> > only be used with care, eg by first looking at what it would remove...
> This issue is caused by cf/cf.apt using apt-get autoremove
> instead of apt-get --purge autoremove, bug filed.

Is this invoked automatically on upgrades or does one have to invoke it 


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