Re: Input on announcing Debian Edu Wheezy?
On 25/09/13 at 15:49 -0400, David Prévot wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Hi,
> Le 24/09/2013 09:44, Neil McGovern a écrit :
> > We can sort out a press release if you'd like, though getting a draft
> > together would be useful based on that wiki page.
> Content pushed as announcements/en/2013/20130928.wml on the publicity
> repository. Given the short time frame, I think we should formerly call
> for review and translation today, so if you want to edit the draft,
> please just do it now.
> Unless told otherwise, I’ll take care of the call for review and
> translation before going to bed if no one from the press or publicity
> team already did so in the mean time.
> > Can we also have a
> > quote from the DPL, or whomever is the point person for edu?
> CCing Lucas then.
It might make more sense to ask Holger.
But just in case, here is a quote:
Debian Edu is a fantastic project, for at least two reasons. First,
because it exposes a wider public, and specifically children, to Free
Software and Debian. Second, because it demonstrates how one can build
a successful distribution on top of Debian, while doing all the work
inside Debian.
(comments on the above welcomed, of course. it's a bit too early in the
morning to write quotes here ;) )
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