I'm getting crazy about setting up freeradius for wifi login.
I've followed Wolfgang's tip in the german user group.
1) I've set the principal as radius/tjener.intern@INTERN
2) The keytab /etc/krb5.keytab.radius with user and group freerad 0600
and added the key
3) Conf. according Wolfgang. Still I get strange errors
in debug mode. Freeradius complains about missing REALM, but either
using username or username@INTERN the result is the same error.
4) About the client setup (network manager). PEAP external is correct,
or I have to choose TLS or other options?
EVEN MORE STRANGE: I tested this setup before summer
in a virtualized tjener. And it was working!
But copiing the old good conf files do not fix the problems.
Giorgio Pioda - Sysadmin SPSE-Tenero
Cell +41 79 629 20 63
Uff. +41 91 735 62 48
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