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Re: Questions/comments on the eduroaming package

[Giorgio Pioda]
> Remember that this package is used to convert an Ubuntu plain install
> into a ubuntu roaming WS

Sure, I remember this.  I suspect it could also be used to convert a
Debian plain installation to a Debian roaming workstation.

>>  - Why isn't the package using the
>>    /usr/share/debian-edu-config/tools/setup-roaming script to configure
>>    the roaming setup?  It would allow for a more dynamic setup, without
>>    the hardcoded LDAP and Kerberos values.
> Well, clear why... see above

The current Debian Edu roaming workstation setup is dynamic, looking
up the correct LDAP and Kerberos values at installation time.  This
make it possible for me to install a Roaming workstation at my
university, and the machine pick up the correct LDAP and Kerberos
settings and integrate into the university infrastructure out of the
box.  It should also handle modified Debian Edu networks where the
LDAP and Kerberos server is delegated to separate machines, or Debian
Edu networks where Active Directory is used as the Kerberos server.
Thus more flexible than the current eduroaming package. :)

>>  - Why is the LDAP schemas included in /etc/ldap/schema/?  As far as I
>>    know, only the LDAP server need them.
> Uhmm... maybe my mistake.

Perhaps.  The files are present in svn.  I looked at
<URL: svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-edu/trunk/src/eduroaming >.

>>  - Why is the etc/ldap/ssl/slapd-cert.cnf file included?  As far as I
>>    know, only the LDAP server need it.
> That's strange! In my last version I putted in the script
> that fetches the cert at boot time (taken from a debian
> roaming ws) and removed the rest.

Well, the file is still in svn.  Perhaps the svn version isn't the
latest source?  Please update the svn source to the latest version if
this is the case.

> To test it, it is very simple. You just need a fresh Ubuntu install,
> and then try to install the package and interact with your mainserver.
> I'll try to find some time to make a check round. Time flies...

Great.  Lets coordinate on IRC.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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