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Re: NFS4 and Kerberos: A-records for same IP inflate the need for service principals

Dear Andreas, dear Petter,

On Mi 05 Jan 2011 19:10:24 CET Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:

[Andreas B. Mundt]
I tried to find the reason for these corresponding A-records,

There are two aspects coming together to cause this effect.  We use
strict mode in powerdns, allowing shared A/PTR entries in LDAP, and
the fact that SRV and MX records need to point to A records.  As our
design allow for scaling by moving individual services out by changing
DNS entries, we need to use the service names in DNS.  And thus, we
end up with several PTR entries for :/

Not quite sure how to best adjust this and still get a sensible and
scalable solution.

I am not an expert regarding that stuff and I don't know if there
are other ways to achieve the desired. However, it looks as with the
current setup we need service principals for all host aliases.

That isn't too bad, is it?  It can be added automatically at install
time, right?

Kerberos demands a correct ReverseDNS setup. It can handle multiple A-Records for the same IP. Important is that the host principal's IP correctly reverse-resolve to the hostname used in the Kerberos host principal.

For a correctly working NFS4+Kerberos setup you need (it's quite a while ago that I set up my NFS4, so some things might be inaccurate):

  o host principals for all clients and servers of the form:

    so for tjener, this is

    and for clients this is

  o each host has a keytab entry stored locally that corresponds to the host
    principal. This keytab hash must be distributed during client installation
    (or retrieved via kadmin-server)

  o each service needs a service principal of the form

    so these might be:

  o these service principals' credentials have to be distributed to all
    clients' keytab files individually
    on dhcp001: kadmin -q ktadd host/dhcp001.intern@INTERN
                kadmin -q ktadd nfs/dhcp001.intern@INTERN
    on dhcp002: kadmin -q ktadd host/dhcp002.intern@INTERN
                kadmin -q ktadd nfs/dhcp002.intern@INTERN

  o and then you need principals for each user (and pam_krb5.so to get the
    tickets for each user on login)

o some time during squeeze development an extra line in /etc/krb5.conf became

        default_realm = INTERN
        allow_weak_crypto = true # needed for NFSv4

o using NFS4+Krb5 starts really making sense when using at least sec=krb5i as
    mount option. Then you really need a user's Krb5 ticket to be able to
    connect to an NFS4 share

  o for this to work you need Kerberos authentication (PAM, see above)
  o and also a running idmapd (nfs-common package)

o Kerberos5 (MIT) has an LDAP backend, not sure about Heimdal. Kerberos is or
    was problematic about U.S. export restrictions/regulations. So in this
    respect the choice should be Heimdal, but I am not sure if Heimdal has an
    LDAP backend...

  o authentication to LDAP via Kerberos can be handled by saslauthd (which is
    very neat).

For NFSv4 on Skolelinux I do recommend

  o sec=krb5p for teachers and
  o sec=krb5i for students.

I also recommend one autofs rule for each user and to store them in LDAP (nisMapName obejctclass). I am not sure, if Skolelinux's automount mechanism already uses this setup. Then at least you can store the NFS mount options in LDAP and differentiate between user groups concerning nfs4-integrity mounts (sec=krb5i) and nfs4-privacy mounts (sec=krb5p).

Mounting all NFS shares via krb5p (or NFS-encrypting one big mount point like /skole/home/tjener0) I do absolutely not recommend. NFSv4 encryption is quite CPU-sucking...

I am really interested in NFSv4+Kerberos5 integration in Skolelinux. So if I can be of any help, let me know.



mike gabriel, dorfstr. 27, 24245 barmissen
fon: +49 (4302) 281418, fax: +49 (4302) 281419

GnuPG Key ID 0x1943CA5B
mail: m.gabriel@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de


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