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moodle.skolelinux.org community -- or making money with free software

Dear list,

this is just a slight idea that came into my mind
during recent negotiations with local municipalities.

I heard of schools that would pay several hundred euros
per year in order to get access to a web hosted LMS like
moodle. Their biggest objection was, that LMS accounts would
fall apart from their local user data base (presumed they
were synced in the beginning, that is).

Well, I am one of those who managed to setup a local moodle,
that was using our LDAP for auth. But in the end, maintainance
(in my case) was one problem, and bandwidth (from outside) was
even a bigger problem.

Now, I wonder if there is anybody (maybe even SLX NO himself)
who could imagine to combine bread with fun -- making money
with free software for schools who demand a professional support,
and provide free access for pupils of Skolelinux schools that 
want to join our community?

I think of a moodle server hosted on the web - and some simple
scripts to sync local LDAPs with the moodle data base.
Schools could buy virtual classrooms - or just pay some rate per 

Well, of course, privace has to be a topic (so classrooms could
be kept private, while users were able to partake in our community

The pecuniar aspect is not my focus, but as I feel everybody is
busy, anyway, it could be the initial spark... 

Now, let this idea settle, I will be on hols for a while ...

Kind regards, anyway

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