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Re: cfengine ore any admintool runs in skole after install?

Am Montag, 5. April 2010 schrieb Andreas Schockenhoff:
> Does anything automatically runs in skole after install that influence
> the admin work?
According to our manual 
- http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Lenny/Architecture#Administration

"We use cfengine to edit configuration files. These files are updated 
from the server to the clients. In order to change the client configuration, 
it suffices to edit the server configuration and let the automatation 
distribute the changes."

This is a coarse statement - but I suppose advanced admins are supposed to
find their way. There is a cron-job running cfengine, and I found some
scripts (run once after install, only?) - but I wonder on what kind of
classes cfengine acts (considering set of heterogeneous client sets)?

Clarifications & pointers welcome.

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