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Re: Advanced group management

Thanks, the mistake i did was not to choose Abi2013 as template!!

Am 29.08.2010 11:17, schrieb nigel barker:
On 29 August 2010 16:13, Martin Schulte<schulte-martin@web.de>  wrote:
after reading the section 'Advanced group management' i add a section

   ou = "ou=People,%base%"
   objectClass = top posixAccount shadowAccount imapUser sambaSamAccount
   homeDirectory = /skole/tjener/home0/Abi2013/%username%
   groups = none students Abi2013
   loginShell = /bin/bash
   mailMessageStore = /var/lib/maildirs/%username%

to /etc/lwat/admin.ini.

After this i imported students using a *.csv-file:

        Students;Hans Mustermann;HansMustermann;Hans313;Abi2013;13G8

(the two last arguments are both groups)

But after all, the homedirs are still /skole/tjener/home0 and not

Hi Martin,
Its been a while since I did it, but I would say you need to:
- first create the directories in home0.
- Then I recall something about adding the groups in lwat before
creating the users.
- You will encounter a problem removing users from lwat - you won't be
able to recreate them with  the same names - the personal group will
fail to be created.
Here is the fix for that:

Although if you have imported a lot of users already, you might want
to start afresh.

hope it works!


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