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Re: how to use trunk for development in the close future

[Holger Levsen]
> I wonder if we should allow (though obviously discourage) lenny breaking 
> changes in trunk now and backport (on a case-by-case basis) important changes 
> to lenny in a to-be-created lenny branch for that package.

I believe we should start to commit changes for squeeze (that might
break lenny) in trunk after r1 is out, and probably make a lenny
branch for an r2 release.

> Does anyone plan to put work in a 5.0.x+edu2 release?

I do not have any things left to fix for r2.

> P.S.: Maybe we should also have an irc meeting again... any takers
> to make that happen? I'm happy to help/assist, but don't have time
> to push this forward...

That would be good, yes. :)

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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