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Long orphaned packages, removal suggestions


This time I've gone trough the list of long orphaned packages.
These are packages unlikely to ever get a new maintainer, at least
they didn't manage to do so in the last two to three years. Unless
noted otherwise, the listed packages have no rdepends, and even the
ones that do only have meta-packages as rdepends (CCed since these would
cause RC bugs in those packages).

This is already a filtered list, so all listed packages are suggested
for removal from the archive.

None of those packages are particulary buggy from the looks of the BTS,
maybe with the exception of falconseye.

electric        orphaned > 3 years, removal suggestion in 2007/12,
		popcon 407/81/280/46,
		rdeps: science-electronics education-electronics
vipec           orphaned > 3 years, no ITA ever, popcon 310/49/225/36/0,
		rdeps: science-electronics education-electronics
tkpaint         orphaned > 3 years, popcon 100/26/67/7/0
eterm-themes    orphaned > 3 years, popcon 379/0/0/0/379
falconseye      orphaned > 3 years, no ITA ever, game, nethack-port,
		popcon 315/35/252/22/6
vgrind          orphaned 3 years, popcon 81/12/67/2/0
fv              orphaned 3 years, popcon 189/20/156/13/0,
		rdeps: science-astronomy
vbpp            orphaned 3 years, popcon 111/28/61/22/0,
		rdeps: science-electronics
asmem           orphaned 3 years, no ITA ever, popcon 63/13/41/9/0
icemc           orphaned 3 years, no ITA ever, popcon 203/33/145/25/0
netmon-applet   orphaned > 2.5 years, no ITA ever, alternatives
		available, popcon 425/232/172/21/0
wmget           orphaned > 2.5 years, popcon 115/23/88/4/0
asmounter       orphaned 2.5 years, alternatives available,
		popcon 59/16/37/6/0
ascpu           orphaned 2.5 years, no ITA ever, alternatives available,
		popcon 83/20/54/9/0
neutrino        orphaned > 2 years, no ITA ever, popcon 102/18/67/17/0
gamix           orphaned > 2 years, alternatives available,
		popcon 560/107/423/30/0

Frank Lichtenheld <djpig@debian.org>
www: http://www.djpig.de/

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