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Re: Fwd: Aaron Siego: Deploying KDE to 52 million young people

Holger Levsen wrote:
Mauricio, do you have an email address from someone involved in this, I'd like to send congrats to them and ask them how they modified Debian and how we could cooperate cooperate in Debian Edu, another Debian based distro (being 99,867% pure Debian) for schools, in northern europe also used with KDE on the desktop :)

I believe the biggest problem (and the reason why there has been no activity on this collaboration front) might be the language barrier. From what I could tell, the distro project is run by very few people, 3 or 4, not including the content team, which is much larger. The email contact I have is for someone who is not really confortable with English, but I will try to get some more information from the dev-team.

BTW, Knut Yrvin was at fisl, and we paid a visit together to the MEC stand, to test the distro and talk with the team (I did the translator role where needed.) He got some contacts, so this could also be a way to get a Debian-edu/SkoleLinux <-> Linux Educacional flow of information.

I have just subscribed to this list, in order to forward information. Notice that I am not involved with the project, just helping with everything KDE-related here, and hoping to help this initiative take off.

Mauricio Piacentini
KDE Games and Edu Developer

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