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Re: Stress test in ltsp

El vie, 18-04-2008 a las 15:06 +0200, RalfGesellensetter escribió:
> Hola José,
> yes, for maintainance reasons this approach could be interesting. 
> However there would be still a cascading connection to the main server 
> (tjener/LDAP). Here, puppet sounds pretty cool:
> Am Donnerstag 17 April 2008 schrieb José L. Redrejo Rodríguez:
> > We're using puppet in our tests to assure self-configuration and
> > updates of all the ltsp servers in the school, and it works pretty
> > well. Obviously, making a config change does not propagate as fast as
> > using the super-ltsp server.
> Any manual for beginners on howto roll out workstations using puppet?
> Kind regards
> Ralf

Antonio Ullán, my colleague and brother in arms in our schools wars, is
the expert in Puppet. He's who has read all the documentation and has
prepared all our rules. I've read docs, and understand the rules and the
way it works, but he's the best person to advice on the best tutorials
and beginnings. All what I've read is at
http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/PuppetIntroduction &

So as Antonio reads this list, I encourage him to send an email with his
thoughts on it.

In brief, you can think of puppet the same as of cfengine, but:
- rules are much easier to write and understand
- the development community is much richer than cfengine, it's very
agile and suggestions are implemented pretty fast. There is also an
alioth project maintaining puppet in Debian, so it's in a good state for
On the opposite, we've found problems when mixing different versions of
puppet between the server and the clients. That's logical, but it's a
pain until you can fix it. Today we're in a intermediate stage and have
etch, sarge and lenny servers, and that's something hard to maintain
even with puppet.

Some time ago, Petter Reinholdtsen suggested me to put our puppet rules
on a subversion machine. There are very particular rules that only make
sense for us, but Antonio has also developed very nice rules to upgrade
and install safely packages on the ltsp chroots very easily from a
central point. There are also some other rules that might be useful for
more people with similar implementations. So, maybe it's already time to
try to find some time slot to setup that svn...

José L.

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