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Re: Bug#466085: education-astronomy: Package uninstallable : "err 67: Custom distribution education does not exist"

On Mon, 18 Feb 2008, Fabrice Lorrain wrote:

I could. But I don't think it would made any difference.
cdd-common wasn't installed when this pb first occured, I installed it later.

Well, the problem occured with 0.824 which was different from 0.825.
In principle 0.825 should work _with_ and _without_ cdd-common - provided
that cdd-common is cleanly installed.

No, the pb was there before I installed cdd-common.

Which is not astonishing because 0.824 was broken and at least
according to your bug report you tried to install this and failed.
So you have some broken packages on your system and I would like
to make sure that this does not cause the trouble.

This where the trouble is :

$ ls -l /etc/cdd/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 425 oct 23  2006 cdd.conf

and education-astronomy is clearly expecting something here.

Well, the postins says:

   if [ -d /etc/cdd -a -f /etc/cdd/cdd.conf ] ; then

so _if_ (and _only_ _if_) cdd-common is installed (/etc/cdd/cdd.conf
is part of this package) this is doing anything.  So if you want to
solve your problem for the moment, just deinstall cdd-common (renaming/
removing /etc/cdd/cdd.conf might help as well)

Is a "mkdir /etc/cdd/education" a correct way to fix it or is there some better way.

No, it will not really help.  You might do this but then you will need
most probably /etc/cdd/education/education.conf as well.  Currently the
only reason for these config files is to organise user-menus.  If you
like to test this feature you might like to copy the file /etc/cdd/med/med.conf
from med-common or /etc/cdd/science/science.conf into this place.

So if you want to solve the installation problem you should either
purge cdd-common or move /etc/cdd/cdd.conf to a different place.

But you are right there is a remaining problem in the education-*
packages because the code in postinst/postrm file is duplicated
(which is no harm if there is no /etc/cdd/cdd.conf file at all)
and I go back to the next cycle of fixing cdd-dev to fit the need
of Debian-Edu.

Kind regards



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