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debian-edu-doc and lenny (Re: move in progress: http://wiki.skolelinux.no/DebianEdu/Documentation/Etch/)

Hi Werner,

On Monday 04 February 2008 17:38, Morten Werner Forsbring wrote:
> Holger Levsen <holger@layer-acht.org> writes:
> >> P.S.: Then, in a bit time, I plan to copy over the pages from /Etch/
> >> to /Lenny/ so that we can work on the lenny documentation while
> >> developing it. But I like to do this as late as possible, so that we
> >> dont have two work on two documentation branches. Maybe it's even wiser,
> >> to document Etch and Lenny in the same manual - what do you think?
> > Any comments on this?
> If there are not many differences from etch, I would go for the same
> manual and notes in the manual where there are etch- or lenny-specific
> stuff.

As you wrote, "_if_"... problem is: in the beginning there will be little and 
then it will become more and if we go with that approach we will make the 
etch manual harder to read and more confusing. Also I don't want to suggest 
lenny to users right now.

Currently I think it's best to document lenny specific stuff somewhere (close 
to where the lenny release notes and new features are collected) and then 
start with the lenny manual in May or June by copying what in the etch manual 
by then. We still have 18 FIXMEs left.

(I think already by now more then 50% of the pages would need special 
paragraphs for lenny. Sometimes a lot of paragraphs.)

Of course, then we can have this discussion again or rather, continue it :)


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