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Imagemap in Wiki-table

Hi all,

I am working to improve the front page of the Norwegian wiki, based on moinmoin (http://wiki.skolelinux.no/), and I am trying to turn the "image-map-looking" main image into an actually working image map. We have the code and the parser that do that, but of some reason this code messes up the table commands of the wiki. Have a look at the working imagemap in a messed up table here:


I've tried all combinations of bracket-parentheses and line break that I can think of, but nothing works. If anyone knows a cure, please let me know!


Some code, for the one who may have time and competence to look at it:

The ImageMap-code has to look like this, including the line breaks:


At the moment the test page look like this:

== Skolelinux (Norsk)  ==

||<-3>(TEST: "image-map": The map in the main image is in itself working, but it messes up the table. How do we make the table and map work together?)||<-2>(Nationalities here) || ||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:Produktet: Produktet ] ||<|3> [[ImageLink(get_started.no.png, KomIgang, alt=Kom i gang)]] ||<|3> [[ImageLink(help_and_doc.no.png, Hjelp, alt=Hjelp)]] ||<|3> [[ImageLink(contribute.no.png, Bidra, alt=Bidra)]] ||
||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:Nyheter:  Nyheter ]  ||
||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:Skjermbilder: Skjermbilder ]   ||
||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:Hjelp/BrukerOpplevelser: Brukeropplevelser ] ||<|9:-3> {{{#!ImageMap
||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:LastNed:  Last ned] ||
||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:Dokumentasjon: Dokumentasjon]   ||
||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:OSS: Ofte Spurte Spørsmål]   ||
||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:Nyhetsarkiv: Nyhetsarkiv]   ||
||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:Presse: Presse]   ||
||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:Lenker: Lenker ]   ||
||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:Programvare: Programvare ]   ||
||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[http://www.friprogramvareiskolen.no Styret] || ||attachment:folder_icon.gif||[:Kontakt: Kontakt] || [:Bidra/Utvikling: Utviklere ] || [:Bidra/Oversetting: Oversettere ] || [:Sideoversikt: Sideoversikt ] ||

== Wiki for den norske delen av Skolelinux-prosjektet ==

Velkommen til norsk wiki for drift og bruk av Skolelinux. Dersom du er utvikler har vi en felles engelsk wiki for all utvikling. Denne finner du på [http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/].

Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture
University of Oslo,
P.O.box 1108 Blindern, N-0349 Oslo, Norway
Phone  office: + (47) 22 84 16 07
private: + (47) 22 15 00 94
cell phone: + (47) 924 40 986
Web: http://folk.uio.no/lrisan/

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