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Etch-Test installation of main-server

Using the i386 etch-test cd-image created on 2007-02-17 09:20, which
contains the latest lwat-version  (0.9.1-0.0.edu.etch.1), I wanted to
test if lwat was working as installed by default.

The test was performed using qemu, on a 10GB disk-image
For the installation I chose
- graphical installation (the default)
- Norwegian language
- Norwegian keyboard (default after choosing Norwegian language)
- Main-server only
- Automatic partitioning
- No popcon reporting (this is a test-install in qemu)

During partitioning I got an error message telling me that the
automaticly partitioning failed , and that it maybe (?) had to do with
to many partitions.
Debconf-priority was lowered from high to medium
But retrying partitioning disks directly, worked, and the debconf
priority was raised to high again

That was the only hickup during installation.
The logs from the installer is availible at

OK, back to testing ldap and lwat

I pointed my laptop browser to

I got a couple of warnings due to an selfsigned certificate with a bad
hostname, but that is to be expected in a automatic setup I guess.

The install worked out of the box (thanks to Patrick Winnertz for patching)

I created 4 users, a teacher, an admin, a jrAdmin and a student
all logged in as ldap admin account (Username Admin), and the
installation password

I also created a class group 1grade, and added the teacher (dont ask me
why I chose this one) to the class.

All users had their homedirs availible, and I went on to check the mail

TO be able to receive mail for the users, I had to do as follow:
 chgrp mail /var/lib/maildirs
 chmod g+w /var/lib/maildirs

to be able to read the users mailbox afterwards, I had to add the line
 LDAP_URI                ldap://ldap.intern
to the top of /etc/courier/authldaprc

I tried to add a user as the admin user I created, but there is
something in slapd.conf preventing this from happening.
The same goes for changing a users password as the admin user.
The funny thing is that the jrAdmin is able to change the users password.

I would like jradmin to be able to change passwords, and the admins to
be able to add users.

I'll try to look into these things.

for users to change their own password, they might to use

A desktop menu-file for this tool is availible at

OK now I have to go, have fun

Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
EE2A71C6403A3D191FCDC043006F1215062E6642 062E6642

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