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How many skolelinux-installations? (Was: presentation: we want you for debian-edu/skolelinux)

[Knut Yrvin]
> * Most likely there are > 450 schools using Skolelinux
> According to new numbers from Skolelinux Drift, there are between 250-300 
> schools just in Norway using Skolelinux. The average number of students in 
> primary schools are some less that 200. Numbers of Skolelinux users in 
> Norway then are 40.000-50.000.

If this is true, only a small fraction of the schools are installing
popularity-contest on their machines, as there are only 101 machines
reporting to <URL: http://popcon.skolelinux.org/ >.  If more schools
reported to our popcon, we would have a better idea on which packages
are important to get on the CD and which packages we can drop to make
room for more important packages.

If any of you know of a school using skolelinux, please ask them to
follow the instructions available from
<URL: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/PopularityContest >, and let us
developers know what packages are in use on the schools.

Petter Reinholdtsen

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