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another silly question

Hi All

I am going to enter individual sections in lts.conf for the clients with
jp keyboards. Do I do it on the ltspserver or do I do it on Tjener?

CONFUSION (feel free to skip)
I have a poor understanding of the relationship between tjener, the
ltspservers, and workstations.

 For example, I have one server whose clients (192.)all have japanese
keyboards, so I set up a lts.conf on that server and did a [default]
section only with a jp keymap. However when workstations (10.) come up,
they ask whether I want to use X settings or the Gnome settings for the
keyboard. I don't get how details from the lts.conf are percolating to
the workstations.

Then I did the cups fix that Ralph suggested. I did it on Tjener, and that
also fixed printing on an ltspserver, but not on the workstations, where I
had to do it for each one.

Is there somewhere I can read about all this?

and by the way, the manuals link on the debian-edu wiki is broken, and the
manuals link on skolelinux.org is old. The most recent version I have
found is through google at:

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