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Re: Fwd: Re: Administration tools

2006/6/19, Christian Külker <christian.kuelker@cipworx.org>:

I do also use edubuntu and I would appreciate the same as François:
install Cipux on Edubuntu to have a global management tool.

yes this is right. But if he followed the instruction he should have
noticed that already. But I think I have told him that he has to install
a LDAP with Skolelinux tree inside. So he may have done that.

CipUX 3.x do not install a Skolelinux LDAP tree by its own. But I can
change that (for Ubuntu).

I think this would be very good: that the Cipux package requires the
needed package it depend on, install and configure the missing ones,
expecially the ldap server, configuring it with the adequate schemas.

Edubuntu / Abuledu / Debian-edu now all depend on debian, some
directely (debian-edu aka skolelinux, and abuledu-pro), some through
"ubuntu-nisation" (edubuntu). It would be good if there would be some
common documentation and adminsitration tools, and Cipux can be one of

Thank you very much,

Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux@ael.be

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