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Re: no more "one CD fits all" ...and then?

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On 11-07-2005 18:34, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
>>>V.) per another distinction
>>>There haven't come any more characterisitics to my mind up to now.
>>>You have got another suggestion? Let us hear about it!
>>Yes. You got the point: the question is: where to split. Two further 
>>options come into my mind:
> one that i had mentioned in IRC would be to put the installer,
> language-specific packages and core packages on one CD, with everything
> else on the second CD.
> but if it's possible to stick with one CD, that's ideal.  but i'm not
> sure that that's possible... time will tell. :)

There was a bof today here at debconf about the official CD-builder. The
tool will get completely reorganized for etch to be much more flexible
(and speedier and userfriendly and more ressource-friendly and...). I
suggested making it possible to generate a single CD and then later (not
necessarily at same build) generate a secondary CD with additional
packages (eg. other locales files or gnome desktop). That idea was
adopted but is (naturally) not highest priority.

The cd-builder team is interested in other ideas - a more formal
invitation will be posted to debian-custom, so those of you interested
in those issues have an eye open at that list.

 - Jonas

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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