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Re: Fwd: Proposal for debconf 6 presentation from SLX Debian Labs

* Knut Yrvin <knuty@skolelinux.no> [2005-12-03 19:22:13]:
> From: Knut Yrvin <knuty@skolelinux.no>
> To: Andreas Schuldei <andreas@schuldei.org>, Alexander Schmehl 
> <alexander@schmehl.info>, Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>
> Unfortunately the link for registration[1] is down, so i send my proposal
> directly.

unsurprisingly, i like your proposal. 

but like this we cant process it. you yourself are not even
registered yet with the system, so a lot of information is
missing in order to process the proposal and get in contact with

could you please try again? please register yourself as a
participant first and then submit the proposal. 



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