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Some packages missing from debian and used on debian-edu installations

Looking at
<URL:http://developer.skolelinux.no/popcon/unknown/by_vote>, I notice
a few packages missing in debian which we could get included.

Java seem to be the most used non-debian package in debian-edu
installations.  I'm working with the debian-java subproject to try to
get the free java implementation to a point where they can replace the
implementation from SUN.

It is closely followed by LTSP, which is already in debian under
another package name, and I hope we can move to the new packages soon.

The PDF viewer acroread is next on the list.  I guess we should do
more to find a good free PDF viewer to include, if xpdf isn't good

Next is kgeography, installed by almost half the machines submitting
info, and used last week on 8 machines.  Time to get it into debian
and a backport to our sarge archive?

Opera is still used some places, but I guess the free browsers are
good enough these days so we do not really need to spend time getting
a new opera package.

NX is not used much, it seem, but I have been told Tollef and others
work on getting it into debian.

The rest of the packages have too few reports for me to spend time on

This is the top of the list, sorted on 'vote':

#rank name                            inst  vote
1     j2re1.4                           40    28
2     ltsp-core-i386                    29    23
3     ltsp-x-core-i386                  29    21
4     acroread                          21     9
5     kgeography                        22     8
6     ltsp-x-xserver-s3-s3v-3.3.6-i386  23     7
7     sun-j2re1.5                        7     7
8     ltsp-x-xserver-svga-3.3.6-i386    29     3
9     opera-static                       7     3
10    freenx                             2     2
11    lynx-ssl                           4     2
12    mjpegtools                        21     2
13    mplayer-386                        2     2
14    mplayer-586                        2     2
15    nxclient                           5     2
16    skype                              2     2
17    IS.changes-tjener                  1     1
18    backdoor                           1     1
19    blockhosts                         1     1
20    j2sdk1.4                           1     1
21    kde-servicemenus-kim               1     1
22    lame                              21     1
23    mplayer                            1     1
24    nxserver                           1     1
25    opera                              1     1
26    slx-backdoor                       1     1
27    sun-j2sdk1.5                       1     1
28    sunbird                            1     1
29    transcode                          2     1
30    unrar-nonfree                      1     1

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