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Weekly report 2005-08-29

Time for a new weekly report.  Last week I worked quite a bit in
Debian package maintenance, as well as some administrative stuff.

 - LTSP is now in Debian/main.  It was accepted last night.  I've
   spent some time integrating changes from Ubuntu, and to talk to the
   people working on LTSP about the package structure.  I'll continue
   working on this to get LTSP to a point were it installs
   automatically in debian-edu/sarge.

 - I spent some time on the C++ transition,
   <RUL:http://people.debian.org/~mfurr/gxx/>.  I NMUed several
   packages (armagetron, vrweb, ubin, openvrml), as well as updated
   some of my own packages(gutenbrowser, earth3d).

 - Fixed some bugs and uploaded new versions of my packages (lsdvd,

 - I spent quite some time last week talking to the people on
   #debian-java about the upcoming java meeting, and trying to get
   everything ready to make the meeting happen.  Worked with Mark
   Wielaard and Andreas Schuldei on this as well. More info on this is
   available from <URL:http://java.debian.net/index.php/DevJam>.

 - I spent more time working on improving the boot sequence on debian,
   and got the insserv package to a point where it is capable of
   reordering the boot sequence and run boot scripts in parallel.  The
   insserv package is now in debian.  In the process I found the
   bootchart package, giving us a nice graph of the boot process.  It
   is a vital tool to know where the time is spent and how to improve
   the boot process.  I spent some time working with the bootchart
   packager and helping him to get the package ready to go into
   debian/main.  I hope the upload will happen in the next few days.

 - On Thursday I organized a work meeting for the most active people
   in NUUG, trying to get more things happening. :)

 - Did some Sysadmin work on the Skolelinux servers.  We need to
   upgrade/reinstall developer.s.n some time soon to get Sarge on it.

I probably forgot something.

I hope to find time to send more frequently updates to this list on my
current progress with debian-edu, and urge the rest of you in the
project to do the same. :)

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