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Re: [debian-edu] (fwd) Urgent: Organizations using open source

Sufyan Kakakhel <sufyan.kakakhel@gmail.com> wrote:
> The said department is hesitant and putting different objections.
> Now they say, please give us some success stories of some
> organizations where open source (linux as operating system) has been
> deployed on desktop level.
> Any one of you, who is aware of any such organization please forward
> me the names of organizations, with a contact point, phone numbers/
> emails etc. ASAP..

Hi Sufyan.  Unfortuately, I don't have contact points and such, but
I maintain a webpage which contains links to news articles which can
be used as reasoning to use Linux instead of Windows.


The content there is varied, and includes everything from news about
Microsoft's monopolistic behavior to horrible worms and viruses that plague
Windows users.  However, there's a 'filter' you can apply to the listing
which includes pro-Linux topics:


Pay special note to articles which also have "Capitol" icons next to them
as those would cover both Linux/Open Source success _AND_ government
organizations around the world.
(You can filter for "Fed" articles via:
http://www.lugod.org/microsoft/?filter=fed ... unfortunately, I have no method
for filtering on BOTH, but it should be fast enough to skim the article
titles :^) )

Another good site I just (re)discovered is O'Reilly's "OSdir.com" news site:


Some recent articles there, for example, include:

  Cuba dumps Windows for Linux


  Intel, Novell say Linux gains on Microsoft Brazil

Good luck!!!


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