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Re: Debian Edu/Skolelinux workshop in Nafplion, Greece, April 15-17th

Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:

Ok, things are starting to roll, we've found some funding to start things, now we need you guys to register :-)

And regardless of earlier "registration" - _this_ is the binding
registration, and those who would like to participate have to follow
one of the two steps mentioned below to officially register.

Here is the official announcement:

We are planing a Skolelinux developer gathering in April 2005

  Date:          April 15th-17th 2005
  Location:      Nafplion, Athens
  Subway:        None
Map: http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=37.6214&lon=22.907&scale=2000000&icon=x

The gathering will include work on several topics:
  - Development
  - Translation


  Anyone who is, has been, or wants to contribute to the Skolelinux
  project is invited

  Cheapest possible travel will be reimbursed for participants, given
  that they prepare and submit an invoice.  Travel expenses beyond NOK
  1500 (EUR 200) must be preapproved. For details on this process, see
  <URL:http://www.skolelinux.org/no/board/oekonomi> (No English
  translation of this page is available at the moment, efforts are
  made to remedy this.)

You can register in two ways:
  - enter your details into the list at the bottom of the file
    (requires cvs access on developer.skolelinux.no).

  - send an email message to debian-edu@lists.debian.org or
    linuxiskolen@skolelinux.no, containing the following information:

Subject: Yes, I will participate in the developer gathering April 15-17th Body: - Your name - Your travel expenses.
          - Which part of the gathering you are joining
            (technical/testing, translation, system
            user/documentation, facilitators).
   - If you are joining us for dinner on Friday and/or Saturday
   - If you are a developer we want to know which Bug(s) you
     are going to work on as well.
Important notes:
          - If you want to stay more days, please state so, and how
     many extra days you intend to stay. It might be possible
     that we will be able to cover these extra days also, but
     do not make your plans based on that assumption.

   - If you are interested in extra activities, like rafting,
     trekking or sailing, please say so. Of course these will
     take place after the the workshop, and only if there is
     enough interest. And they will definitely have to cost
     extra. If there is interest, we can ask for prices and
     will report to the list.


  - Coordinators (needed):
- Local arrangement committee:

 Konstantinos Margaritis <markos@debian.gr>
 Theodore Karkoulis <bilbo@debian.gr>

    The local committee takes care of practical issues such as
    location, food shopping, dinner reservations, and so on.

Time frame for the gathering:

  Friday Day 1

12:00 Social event, Talks (in Greek) on FS/OSS, Debian and Skolelinux Live Demo
    19:00 Registration and planning for the weekend
    20:00 Depart for dinner
    20:30 Dinner

  Saturday Day 2

    10:00 Start working
    13:15 Lunch
    14:00 Key signing
    20:00 Depart for dinner

  Sunday Day 3

    10:00 Start working
    13:15 Lunch
    20:00 End

Jørgen Grønlund


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