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Weekly report week 7, plans for week 8

last week i worked mostly on wlus and webmin issues.

on friday i released the present webmin version, after i cleaned
up some bugs that were caused by the moving of big chunks of
code. I also implemented a version number display in the footer.
a whole day was used on an issue with different encodings in the
changelog. i did not find an automatic way to unify the
encodings, yet

then i also merged the wlus repository into the debian-edu svn

Regarding Webmin (and Usermin) i spend some time experimenting
with arch and perltidy and writing mails to jaldhar (former
webmin maintainer, who is still interested in working on this)
and the webmin author. The author seems uninclined to cooperate,
as soon as it will cost him more then minial efford. That is a
problem for us since his coding-  and indentation style is close
to obfuscation. we will try to feed the webmin and usermin
sources into arch, run perltidy on it and feed the result into a
second branch where we can work. we will also try to feed changes
upstream, if interest is there.

furthermore i sponsored some uploads to the archive.

no debconf5 work last week i think!

this week i will try to work with vidar on some sponsorship for
debconf5 by goverment agencies and continue to work on WLUS. (i
will also finish my dpl platform, but will try to do that outside
work hours.)

next week (9) i will be in norway, trysil. if people are
interested to meet, send a mail!

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