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Re: [debian-edu] A clearest OS

On Sun, Feb 06, 2005 at 10:50:29PM +0100, Pierre H wrote:
>      Hello
> I don't know realy what is the work domain of this
> part of the debian project, but I have a suggestion
> and I don't know realy where is the best place to post
> it.

Hi!  I think you may have stumbled across the wrong list, unfortunately. ;)
This list is to discuss the educational software that gets packaged into Debian
(things you teach young children with, in other words...)

> I think that debian sould be easier to use and to
> understant if there were more screen printing. I just
> give the example of mandrake, when the system is
> starded there is 2 way of screen printing (user and
> geek ;-) )
> one a windows like, and an other one who is more
> talketive and say what is it happening.

What you're saying is:  verbose technical output  ("loading such-n-such module...
probing for hardware... mounting hda/hdb...")  versus a big graphical splash screen.


> So for I suggest to reproduce such a function, but
> more developped. It mean that the Debian geek could
> show exactly what his OS is doing, and have keybord
> shortcut to see whith different detail level what does
> his OS.

I've never set up a splash on any of my Linux boxes, but my Debian systems are all
very verbose.  (It's kind of ugly, but it is informative.)

Perhaps you're system is set up with this turned /off/, and instead a graphical
splash is being shown while the OS boots up...? :^)

In that case, just disable the splash! :)

Unfortunately, since I've never looked into setting it up, I can't remember what
the package is, and would have no idea how to configure it.  (It may also include
a keypress to switch back to the verbose text mode, which you could use instead of
completely disabling the splash.)

Perhaps someone else here will know...?

bill@newbreedsoftware.com         "I'm anticipating an all-out tactical
http://newbreedsoftware.com/      dog-fight, followed by a light dinner."

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