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Weekly report week 51, plans for week 52

On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 12:20:54AM +0100, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> this week i will 
> - try to send patches to sam integrating the initial krb5 and afs
>   logic into packages
> - put uml machines demoing openafs and kerberos online

i did put a uml machine with afs online, but only for some
openafs hackers to debug: I ran into two non-trivial problems
during last week which cant be. one is, that eventhough the bos
server finds the specified cell in it`s cell database, it
continues to verify them by doing dns queries for AFSDB records
in the intern domain. this should not happen. I found and worked
around this problem by rebuilding bos with debug symbols and
stepped through the code in question, and then adding appropriate
AFSDB records to the db.intern zone file.  

the second problem was that i got an access denied (due to not
beeing authenticated to the protection server) despite the fact
that i have a valid token for afs/INTERN@INTERN and beeing in
system:administrators. The solution to this problem is still
outstanding, and will remain so until sam hartman (both debian
package maintainer and upstream author, whom i work together with
on this) is back from his christmas vacation at his parents

this took an amazing amount of time.

> - work on bofhd to actually allow to do something

So this is about the user-interface to cerebrum. We want to be
able to internally use cerebrum as fast as possible to gain some
expertise before we put it into any (pre)release. 

To be able to use it we need both a user interface and an export
facility.  both are still missing (while the import is lacking,
too).  We plan to use WLUS as a primary GUI and the webfrontend
as the one for the experienced admins. 

The webfrontend will get a major rewrite in march, when the
metaserver (which it uses as a backend) is done. An alternative
gui is the jbofh. it needs bofhd as a backend. bofhd is the one
that holds all the intelligents and possible commands. 

The University of Oslo`s command file is the "plugin" providing
the commands available for execution and it is 480kbyte big.
unfortunatly it holds both the UiO-centric logic (aka buissness
logic) and the basic operational logic. 

cerebrum development plans include to split this file up in two
(at least) and perhaps even move it off of the bofhd over to the
metaserver. it is uncertain when that will be done.

i started on this, but the size of this task is a bit scary: it
includes splitting up a 480kbyte python file in two. 

Further future goals are to 
- shrink the import script in size (some more redundancy to
- work on the wlus testframework, so that work on wlus can be
  picked up again in a controlled way
- write a cerebrum backend for wlus
- switch wlus to that cerebrum backend
- compile jbofh into binaries, eliminating some dependencies
- attempt again to build the cerebrum documentation

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