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Re: Samba, ldap and adding machine accounts.

On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 10:19:25PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> Anyone know samba details enough to give some answers to my questions?
> I discussed this briefly on IRC, and I discovered that I am still
> wondering how samba and Windows works.  Anyone got glues to spare?
> If we move the Machines LDAP tree as a subtree of People, would it be
> enough to give samba write access to the Machines tree, or does it
> also need write access in People?  I suspect it need write access to
> People too, but would like to have it verified.

It needs write access to the samba* entries of the userAccounts. 

> During what kind of operations do samba need write access to the LDAP
> tree?  I'm aware of these operations.  Are there others?
>  - Adding a host to the SMB domain
>  - Logging a user into a host in the SMB domain

You mean the last logged on entry ? 

>  - Changing password of a user
>  - Removing a host from the SMB domain

+ When creating a user. 
   wlus still uses smbpasswd to setup the samba part of the account

> What attributes does it need to read and write to in LDAP and where in
> the LDAP tree does it need to read and write during these operations?

the attributes with the samba prefix. 

> Can we block password changes from windows, or can we make password
> changes from windows update both the UNIX-hash and the windows hashes?
> I do not want users to end up with different passwords on Windows and

Dont know. But we can, if we give samba access to it, make the unix
password change when a user changes the samba password

If I got time, I will try to move the machines into the
ou=Machines,ou=People subtree

Then I will try to create the needed samba-attributes (as root), and
only let samba update the ones it needs to update

Then I will ty to block password updates from samba.

Finn-Arne Johansen 

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