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Re: Too many default groups in Skolelinux' LDAP schema?

[ Herman Robak ]

> The original design of Skolelinux' LDAP schema was to have _very_
> few groups. Maybe just two: students and teachers. Their names would
> be self-explanatory, and their roles and purposes would be obvious.

Are these posixGroups?

[stuff about the groups]

If I have a group "foo", that only I use in the directory and others
should know about this group, "description" is a good attribute to
populate. The problem is that when Norwegians wants a decription, they
tend to want it in Norwegian. I guess Germans do the same.

For lang-specific attributes, LDIF has a built-in mechanism;

description;lang-no: Dette er en gruppe. Den tilhører meg, og er bare
 min. Ingen andre får røre den.
description;lang-en: This is a group. It belongs to me, and is all
 mine. No other may touch it.

One may want lang-en to be default(I'm not sure if lang-en is
defaulted to when no "description:" exists).

Side-note: description;lang-no should of course look like:

description;lang-no:: ASVAEWVAEVAEVAEV and so forth.

Norwegian letter(like most non-ASCII) should be UTF-8-encoded and will
be base64-encoded in the LDAP-server. The '::' followed by gibberish
is what you want you client to be looking for in this case.

It is up to the client accessing the object to understand the
lang-extension, IIRC. Same with base64-encoded attributes.

Hope this helps.

Mathias Meisfjordskar
GNU/Linux addict.

"If it works; HIT IT AGAIN!"

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