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Re: skolelinux and ubuntu and schooltool

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 10:39:32 +0000, Mark Shuttleworth wrote
> SchoolTool is still very early in its development cycle. It 
> would be great to have SchoolTool and SchoolBell working out of 
> the box in SkoleLinux, but I don't think SchoolTool itself s yet 
> ready for active promotion rather than early testing and feedback.

having schooltool and schoolbell readilly available in debian-edu could 
help with the testing. As I told Steve Alexander last year in February, I
am ready to help with the translation to French of schooltool and
schoolbell once it is localized using gettext tools. 

This could also help with the tests of these tools in France, Belgium and
other Frenchspaeking countries.

in France, another tool, similar apparently to schooltool (for some
features at least, maybe not calendar planning, and initially focused on
notations management and record publication) is rather popular: it is GEPI 

Its objective is :

L'objectif de GEPI est la gestion pédagogique des élèves et de leur
scolarité. Dans ce but, des données sont collectées et stockées dans une
base unique de type MySql.

Its technology is based on LAMP (php-mysql) 

It has evolved in a more general management tool to manage the classroom.

Some collaboration (at least on the definition of the feature and further
exchanges) could be investigated, to help also with the developpement of
schooltool, at least first in a direction that would be complementary to
GEPI. Maybe GEPI could be internationalized and localized to English to
help with the cooperation too.

I would be ready, as a teacher, to try and evaluate schooltool, and I now
other people who would be ready to help too in Belgium, but we *need* to
have the software in French for them to be used (aka tested) in our schools.



Nicolas Pettiaux

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