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Re: Server down? Overload?

On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 17:30, Ralf wrote:
> Hey, I guess there is two many millions of people interested in 1.0 
> Venus? Or what is wrong with this source:

I guess your proxy got some problems connection to ftp.skolelinux.no,
and that is probably because the max connection limit were hit. 

http://www.checkupdown.com/status/E502.html have a nice explanation of
502 errors.

Usually you just have to try again later.

To get those packages, you could add a standard Debian Woody mirror to
your apt/sources.list

Choose the nearest mirror for http://www.debian.org/mirror/list

Goody luck fetching your packages, 
«I came out of it dead broke, without a house, without anything except a
girlfriend and a knowledge of Unix.» «Well, that's something. Normally
those two are mutually exclusive»
 - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

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