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installation (+problems) report on rc3

Hi folks!

After i got my rc2-main-/ltsp-server running and (2) users added, i decided it
was time to have set up a workstation.

So i got my user-account and downloaded rc3.

Thought so, but, at ~500MB there was no space left on device. Oh, i forgot
that mozilla uses a tempfile to store downloads and ~500MB, so /etc/fstab
edited and new try ;-)

Then I burned a CD and tried to boot it on my workstation. LSI/Symbios-HBA
reports a "non-emulating bootCD" and then
boot fails "try cd 2-5" :-(

OK, i got my old PC-DOS-boot-diskettewith lsi-drivers and then called boot.bat
from \install on the CD - running ;-))

Selected 'de-de', 'workstation', automatic partitioning and go!


ok, before giving root-password, i logged in as root on console 2 & 3 ;-)
then gave it and scanned the cd...

...'put cd in drive and press enter' <enter>
...'put cd in drive and press enter' <enter>

Oh, yeah, SCSI-CDs on LSI/Symbios-HBAs are wanted at /dev/scd0 by /etc/fstab,
but /dev/scd0 doesn't exist :-(
My CD is at /dev/scsi/bus0/target2/lun0/cd, where /dev/sr0 and
/dev/cdrom=>/dev/cdroms/cdrom0 point to. So, switched to console 2, changed
scd0 to sr0 in /etc/fstab, went back to console 1 and <enter>
installed the rest, while writing a bug-report :-))

Got a kdm-login-screen and first tried user 'frank' with password, as put in
ldap on the server. Only returned to kdm-login after some 'virtual' working.

Remembered reading about a 'second reboot' somewhere in the
skole-mailing-lists, so i did.

Got a kdm-login-screen and tried user 'frank' with password, as put in ldap on
the server. Now i got real stuff:

X The following installation problem was detected
  while trying to start KDE:

    No write access to $HOME directory (/).

  KDE is unaable to start.


All in a nice frame, but what happened?

Hmm, let's see if adding the workstation (static00, i put the MAC-address in
dhcpd.conf) in netgroups makes it, and - after Queueing of actions (i forgot
at first, cause workstation-hosts already showed 1 member) - hurray!! I'm in

Now i look forward, kind of relaxed, getting 'my' school running. Btw, i read
something of a kmenu with educational software. Where can i find that, cause,
as i'm no teacher, it would be more handable for them to work with an
_operating-system_ instead of their Redmond-picture-viewer ;-)

read u


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