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Weekly report - 22 from Knut Yrvin

The work: 

- We got a really good evaluation from our lab with
  Skolelinux/OpenOffice in the national conference of education and
- Have "thrown ball" with one municipal that want to use Skolelinux in
  their city hall.
- Got some briefing on how the Norwegian Consumer Council gonna launch
  www.nordicos.org (with a SkoleKnoppix-based Snøfrix-CD).
- Have contributed to interact between a national hardware supplier
  and a applications service provider. They gonna support an
  standardized ASP-solution for schools with thin clients and server
  that is operated remotely.
- Made a draft of a new version of our steering document: "Gjørokrati"
  as in do-o-cracy, and release often. 


- Took part a meeting with the Education department in Oslo (the
  capital city in Norway) that considers using Skolelinux in all their
- Held an introduction to Skolelinux on a meeting between an ASP and a
  hardware supplier.
- Meeting about organizing the Slx Debian labs and the work ahead.

Plan for week 23 (and partly week 24)

- Project meeting for launching Skolelinux under The Transits of Venus
  in Frognerparken:
- Deliver a sketch on how to organize the running operation
- Presentation of Skolelinux on the user forum to Bibliofil in
  Hammerfest, the northernmost town in the world
- Some "reorganizing" of the OpenOffice translation project in Norway

- Knut Yrvin 1. june 2004.

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