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test-install pr47


I started a test installation of pr47, for the beginning just the server 
without anything else.

Hardware detection went alright, after 20 minutes or so the installation 
finished luckily. 

When I logged in as root, I was announced that I've got mail. 

1. I couldn't find a mail prog to deal with these mails. 'pine' or 'mutt' were 
not installed. Of course I could have installed them with apt-get etc., but 
an unexperienced user, will he be able to do that?

2. I had a quick look at these mails with 'more' (well, that was my 
solution  ;-) ), and I was astonished that it were all mails, declaring that 
the mail attached was not delivrable to user 'root'. Which is funny, because 
the 'not delivrable'-notification COULD be delivered to 'root'. ?!?

3. The content of the original mails seemed to be quite important. There were 
hints of how to go on with the configuration of the server (DHCP, OpenSSH, 
Samba etc.), quite the usual stuff after installation of a debian system. 
Here my question is: when quite important information is produced why does 
the user have no means of watching it?

I don't know wether this could be classified as a bug, but it is a kind of 

Then the question came up how to go on with the configuration. I logged in via 
webmin and was presented the whole bunch of possibillities which are usually 
presented by webmin - well, I didn't touch anything. I will just have a long  
and careful look at the wiki just to find out, but it seems a little risky to 
me to present such a powerful and mighty tool to a possibly unexperienced 
user. I have made my experience with disconfiguring a system via 
webmin... ;-)

It would be more nice to present a kind of start page to the user where he 
gets some explanation of what he can do now and how this could be done.

These are just two minor observations on a good piece of work that has been 
done by you skolelinux-people. Thank you very much!

I'll go on the next days with my test installation.

Stefan Padberg, Wuppertal

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