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Re: Collaboration that works (Was: mozilla that works)

Given Knut Yrvins clarification of these subject, I see no reason for 
continuing this thread except for one last thing:

> As you may have noticed I have attempted to get the purpose of these
> lists clarified before.
> I find it rather ironic to now be accused of betraying...
Yes I have noticed your effort, and I do appreciate it. 

My statement was aggravating with intent, but at the same time was never meant 
to accuse you or anyone else for betrail. It depicts a feeling I get when 
people starts mangling with things (like these documents) without putting it 
into proper context or blindly refuses to acknowledge the universe 
surrounding it. (In this case the context=Skolelinux and 

If the statement in question has offended you or anyone else I truly regret 
it, as it was never my intention to accuse, offend or hurt anyone. 

Humble apologies.

Gjermund Skogstad

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