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Re: wlus 1.3-1, please test.

* Herman Robak (herman@skolelinux.no) [040427 12:28]:
>  Whether the colour is perceived as darker or brighter
> depends on the user's colour vision.  Unless the brightness
> contrast is high, you can't be sure.
>  As a rule of thumb, you can assume that most colour blind
> people perceive red as equally bright or darker than 
> normally sighted people do.  If the red colour has lower
> brightness, the colour blind will perceive it as darker.
> However, this may make it harder to read.
>  Colour blind people don't have black and white vision.
> (except in some really, really rare cases)  They just
> have more or less distorted colour vision.
>  You may think red is generally brighter than blue. 
> But that's not how many colour blind people sees it.

that is very interesting.

i saw drawings of colorblind people and they matched the original
*amazingly* well. so i assume that they will survive and will be
able to make out which table cells have a non-white background.

do tell me if it does not work for the color blind people you
know, we might be able to come up with other color schemas.

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