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Short summary of the testing on Wed 21. Apr.

We have run through test-case 001-006, 009 and partly 013. 

The WLUS 1.2-25 user-interface in the main menu is now in a shape that
is OK. A lot of the double-messaging has been removed. Some
double-messaging has been introduced, and some lack of messages has
survived 2-3 test-rounds:


I think this is easy to fix. 

We have also done some closer inspections after nice error-messages as
this one:


This is really how it should be done. It's could always be placed
better and so on, but the way it's done with a nice suggestion is the
way to communicate with the user. Good work here! We probably need
more "error-messages" like that in more places. That kind of
exception-handling is important. This is nice work.

We also had an discussion about the main Admin-password. Klaus Ade
don't want to retype the Admin-password when adding or removing
users. This is a good idea.

But the solution on this function it not in a usable state. The user
don't know when to type the Admin-password. The user is not reading or
seeing anything that says that the Admin-password is already typed in,
and don't need retyping. When a user believe that a Admin-password is
not needed, and suddenly get a error-message, she gets
disappointed. The user will end up retyping the Admin-password every
time anyway. That was not Klaus Ades idea in the first place.

Since I have observed 6 persons doing this for 3 weeks now, and get
the same feedback every time, it's important to fix the
Admin-password-issue. It is also possible to postpone the function to
after Skolelinux 1.0. Then the user has to retype the Admin-password
every time. I don't think retyping is a good idea. That's the reason
to mark this a release-critical bug. If it's not marked
release-critical, then it's an argument of keeping the WLS from
Finn-Arne. That was not the idea this time :-)

Anyway. A good night sleep for everyone maybe resolve this issue, and
we will probably get surprised of efficient programing from Andreas.
A lot of improvement is done by Andreas and the testers lately. We
will test the group-handling tomorrow. 

God night ... |-)

- Knut

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