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Re: [Devel] We do need a "mascot"

I sent a picture of the kobold and tux to about 50 educators/homeschoolers (admittedly, mostly US American). I will say it's safe to assume they can look past it being a sketch. A few suggestions were that the horns should be dropped, but the overwhelming response was for Tux.

And the availability of stuffed penguins does seem to abound a bit more.

How about a  resketch of the elfin with a grad cap on?


Herman Robak wrote:

On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 09:54, Knut Staring wrote:

When it comes to the general public of teachers, parents and school
administrators (i.e. not long time Linux users), I find it hard to
believe that Tux is "overused"; rather the best one could hope for is
that some of these people actually *have* been slightly exposed to Tux
before, and therefore recognizes this Linux icon in a positive way.

I'll add more weight to Knut's opinion,
by informing you that he is a teacher.

Also, Tux seems extremely safe when it comes to cultural sensibilities
the world over.

Good point.

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