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Skolelinux 7 Alpha freigegeben

Liebe Skoletuxe!

Die Entwickler von Skolelinux haben die erste Alpha Version von
Skolelinux, basieren auf der kommenden Debian Version Wheezy



Petter Reinholdtsen -- First alpha release of Debian Edu / Skolelinux based on Debian Wheezy

    The Debian Edu / Skolelinux project is still going strong and made
    its first Wheezy based release today. This is the release

    New features for Debian Edu ~7.0.0 alpha0 released 2013-04-26 

    This is the release notes for for Debian Edu / Skolelinux ~7.0.0
    edu alpha0, based on Debian with codename "Wheezy". 

    About Debian Edu and Skolelinux 

    Debian Edu, also known as Skolelinux[1], is a Linux distribution
    based on Debian providing an out-of-the box environment of a
    completely configured school network. Immediatly after
    installation a school server running all services needed for a
    school network is set up just waiting for users and machines being
    added via GOsa², a comfortable Web-UI. A netbooting environment is
    prepared using PXE, so after initial installation of the main
    server from CD, DVD or USB stick all other machines can be
    installed via the network. 

    This is the first test release based on Wheezy (which currently is
    not released yet). Basically this is an updated and slightly
    improved version compared to the Squeeze release. 

    Software updates 

    - Everything which is new in Debian Wheezy, eg: 

    - Linux kernel 3.2.x 

    - Desktop environments KDE "Plasma" 4.8.4, GNOME 3.4, and LXDE 4
    (KDE is installed by default; to choose GNOME or LXDE: see

    - Web browser Iceweasel 10 ESR 

    - LibreOffice 3.5.4 

    - LTSP 5.4.2 

    - GOsa 2.7.4 

    - CUPS print system 1.5.3 

    - Educational toolbox GCompris 12.01 

    - Music creator Rosegarden 12.04 

    - Image editor Gimp 2.8.2 

    - Virtual universe Celestia 1.6.1 

    - Virtual stargazer Stellarium 0.11.3 

    - Scratch visual programming environment 

    - New version of debian-installer from Debian Wheezy, see
    installation manual[2] for more details. 

    - Debian Wheezy includes about 37000 packages available for

    - More information about Debian Wheezy 7.0 is provided in the
    release notes[3] and the installation manual[4]. 


    - The (English[5]) Debian Edu Wheezy Manual is fully translated to
    German, French, Italian and Danish. Partly translated versions
    exist for Norwegian Bokmal and Spanish. 

    LDAP related changes 

    - Slight changes to some objects and acls to have more types to
    choose from when adding systems in GOsa. Now systems can be of
    type server, workstation, printer, terminal or netdevice. 

    Other changes 

    - LTSP clients start as diskless workstation / thin client can be
    configured via command line argument -- or individually adding an
    entry in lts.conf or LDAP.


    - GOsa gui: Now some options that seemed to be available, but are
    non functional, are greyed out (or are not clickable). Some tabs
    are completely hidden to the end user, others even to the GOsa


    - No mass import of user account data in GOsa (ldif or csv)
    available yet. 

    No updated artwork 

    - Updated artwork which is visible during installation, in the
    login screen and as desktop wallpaper is still missing or the same
    as we had for our Squeeze based release. 

    Where to get it To download the multiarch netinstall CD release
    you can use 

    - ftp://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/wheezy/ 

    - http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/wheezy/ 

    - rsync -avzP ftp.skolelinux.org::skolelinux-cd/wheezy/ 

    The MD5SUM of this image is: c5e773ddafdaa4f48c409c682f598b6c 

    The SHA1SUM of this image is:

    How to report bugs 


    26 April, 2013 06:30AM[7] 

    April 25, 2013 

    1. http://www.skolelinux.org/
    2. http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/installmanual
    3. http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/releasenotes
    4. http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/installmanual
    5. http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy
    6. http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/HowTo/ReportBugs
    7. http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/First_alpha_release_of_Debian_Edu___Skolelinux_based_on_Debian_Wheezy.html


Herzlichen Dank an die Entwickler für die viele Arbeit, die sie
für die Gemeinschaft geleistet haben.

Nun bitte ich alle, die neue Version zu testen und die
auftretenden Fehler zu melden!

Regards/AmicaLinuxement/Saludos/Viele Gruesse!
Kurt Gramlich
Projektleitung skolelinux.de
GnuPG Key ID 0xE263FCD4

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