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[Debian-NYC] Invitation to the January 11th Debian-NYC Novice Night

For wide distribution:


Debian-NYC would like to invite you to our next Novice Night.

Novice Nights are Debian-NYC's meetings for everyone. If you would
like to install Debian, come on by. If you would like help with
configuring or making Debian do what you need, we can do that too. If
you want to hang out with Debianistas to pick up tips and tricks, come
on by. We can also provide some help with other derivatives of Debian,
such as Ubuntu.

Novice Nights are free-form: bring your questions, and you'll be able
to talk to people to answer them. There isn't a set structure here or
presentation, so you can come and go as you would like. There may be
mini-presentations throughout the night. We will be able to help with
new installations or fixing/configuring existing ones. We can make
installation CDs or USB drives. You should bring your computers you
would like help on (and your friends!).

We welcome groups. If you have a group attending, feel free to contact
us in advance so that we can prepare something for you. If you have
questions, please direct them to Richard Darst <rkd at zgib dot net>.

Where and When: Eyebeam, Tuesday, January 1st, 2011. Come and go as
you like, recommended arrival times are 18:30 to 19:00.

Getting there: See Eyebeam directions. Eyebeam is on the west side of
Manhattan, in Chelsea. (540 W. 21st Street, (between 10th and 11th
Avenues) New York, NY 10011) A/C/E/1/2/3/L trains are the closest, and
Eyebeam is right next the Hudson River Greenway.

Contact: IRC at #debian-nyc on irc.debian.org ; debiannyc@vireo.org ;
or Richard Darst (rkd at zgib dot net).

Web: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianNYC/NoviceNights
DebianNYC mailing list

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