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[Debian-NYC] Guidelines for NYLUG announcements.

Although these aren't sent in stone, and may largely be my interpretation of what is appropriate for NYLUG announcements, these are the assumptions I operate under.

1) NYLUG-announce is a relatively low traffic list, with a high subscriber count. Generally that means for non-NYLUG events one announcement per event, although exceptions can occasionally be made for larger events.
2) I do not feel comfortable sending out incomplete announcements. That means an annoucement needs who, what, when, and where. (Well at the very least what, when and where) IE: Need to wait for date and venue before announcing.
3) Pretty much anything related to FLOSS is on topic, if it is something accessible to the general public.
4) Occasional announcements about technology events that are not directly FLOSS related are allowed. e.g. - cloudcamp, barcamp, koolaidcamp.

If you want something sent out to nylug-announce, send an email to info@nylug.org, and it will be considered.

DebianNYC mailing list

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