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Re: [Debian-NYC] Novice Nights

I'm also up for it...not sure if i qualify entirely as a 'novice' but count me in

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Keith O'Brien <fugit13@gmail.com> wrote:
Count me in...

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 9:59 AM, David Rocamora <dave@n22t.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Sep 2010 18:17:07 -0400, Richard Darst <rkd@zgib.net> wrote:
>> Other Debian-NYC teachers/mentors - who would come to an event
>> designed to help beginners with installation and configuring?  (If
>> you've run Debian for a while, you probably count in this).
> Hi,
> I'd love to participate. Let me know when we'll do this.
> Thanks,
> Dave
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