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Re: [Debian-NYC] [Debconf10-localteam] Our next meeting April 24th 14:00-17:00

Pablo Duboue wrote:
> On 4/21/10, Gabriella Coleman <biella@nyu.edu> wrote:
>> Would anyone like to volunteer a place?
> If people want to trade time for space (a common computer science
> tradeoff) you're welcomed at my place in-the-middle-of-nowhere. But
> beware of the suburban train fares, it's not only a 35' train ride, it
> is also $15 round trip ;-)

So no offense but I think we should keep it a location that is easy for
most people to get to :-)
> If the day is nice, I vouch for the park on the back of NY public
> library, in 42th street.

That sounds very nice but I also wonder whether we should have net
access as it might help with our tasks/work.

Any other suggestions? places? I might volunteer might place again but
am waiting to see whether there also might be another place that works
as well. Who got us the space in drop.io? Can we ask them perhaps for space?

> P.


Gabriella Coleman, Assistant Professor
Department of Media, Culture, & Communication
New York University
239 Greene St, 7th floor
NY NY 10003
DebianNYC mailing list

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