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Re: [Debian-NYC] Bug squashing party feedback

I personally enjoyed the BSP and had a lot of fun.

Hadn't have to take an early train on Sunday, I'd have taken the offer posted 
earlier to the list and stayed in New York City the whole weekend. Coming back 
and forth to the 'burbs made me miss a good chunk of it (including the 
sponsored lunch!).

Interestingly, I had plenty of other stuff to look at, but I got quite sucked 
into my chosen bug :-)

Now, for something else, I mentioned before the BSP that I wanted to do some 
recording. I brought the wireless headset to the BSP but then I realized it 
wasn't going to work:

* The environment was in general quiet. Somebody speaking on a microphone 
would have been distracting.

* The process of fixing a bug can be quite lengthy and involve long periods of 
doing nothing but reading existing documentation.

* Last but not least, the process is seldom an individual process. The key of 
being all together in the same room is to bounce ideas and questions quickly. 
There's no way to capture that with a headset (and the privacy issues will 
also kick in).

We still need a way to document BSPs, so we will need to keep searching.

If the number of RC bugs in Squeeze stays up, sign me up for a BSP-II :-)


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