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Re: [Debian-NYC] [Debconf10-localteam] meeting this Sunday at 6 PM at Biella's and Micah's House

Brian Gupta wrote:
> Biella,
> Do you guys have enough space that I can forward this notice to
> NYLUG-announce? (In an attempt to widen the number of volunteers we
> might attract).

So I wish I could answer yes but our apt can't hold that many more than 
are coming. I also think that for this meeting having a bit less is 
more. We have to make some decisions on protocols for general/future 
decision making (like how to plug folks into committees, how to 
coordinate etc). that will help tremendously for when we get a larger 
pool (I hope we do!) of volunteers.

But we should meet soon after our first meeting as well with this larger 
pool and we will need to find a venue that can hold 20 (possibly more) 
people. A restaurant is not going to cut it unless we can one of those 
mafia-style private rooms to ourselves that has wifi (so not likely).

So maybe we should 1) start polling for a date for our second meeting 2) 
thinking about a suitable place to meet.



Gabriella Coleman, Assistant Professor
Department of Media, Culture, & Communication
New York University
239 Greene St, 7th floor
NY NY 10003
DebianNYC mailing list

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