[Debian-NYC] DebConf10 status update and IRC meeting
Hi all,
The bid to bring DebConf10 to NYC continues apace. Four or five of us are
visiting Columbia University on Friday afternoon to investigate it as a
possible venue, in coordination with their Conference Housing office. We will
take pictures and ask questions as appropriate. Most likely they will be able
to satisfy all requirements we have other than price; the question is then
whether we will be able to arrange a price tag that we can afford.
In connection with this, we will have an IRC meeting at 6:00 PM EST (2300 UTC)
in #debconf-nyc on irc.debian.org (a.k.a. irc.oftc.net) on Friday, December
19th, to discuss where we stand after the Columbia visit and how to move
forward effectively. Please come to that meeting and help our DebConf10 bid
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
DebianNYC mailing list
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