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Re: Enhancing 3.0 (git) source package format

]] Joey Hess 

| I support changing 3.0 (git) to use a bundle. Besides closing the bugs
| mentioned in this thread, a bundle consists of a simple header + a
| standard git pack. Since git packs are used as a wire format, this
| provides better assurance that future versions of git will retain
| compatability with the source packages. Also, being able to directly
| clone a bundle file is a great feature.

Just to be sure: Bundles can include multiple branches, tags and all,

| The only thing I would miss from this version of the format is that
| when unpacked, it would not include remotes information, and so
| remotes would need to be manually added if you wanted to 'git pull' to
| get newer commits etc. I suppose that the remotes info could be added
| into the source format in some other way however.

Either getting upstream to extend the format to allow remotes to be
included or extending the source package format sounds like a good idea.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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