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Re: Enhancing 3.0 (git) source package format

]] Goswin von Brederlow 

| Remove 3.0 (qit) format completly. A full history bloats the source
| and a cut down history has no advantage over a plain source.

I think this would be a mistake.  I'm increasingly considering a full
git clone the source of my software (in the «preferred form of
modification») and so having dpkg able to natively consume and produce
that preferred form would be very useful.

| It is far more usefull to put the url for the real git repository into
| the control file. The number of people wanting to use git (instead of
| just a snapshot of the source) but unable to git clone from the
| internet is really miniscule and does not warrant the bloat for
| everybody else.

I don't see why you would do one or the otherrather than both?  Being
able to do git log and such on the result of an apt-get-ed package is
quite useful, without having to wait for a random upstream git
repository that might not be available.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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