Re: Install-info transition, updated wiki page
Hi all,
On So, 22 Mär 2009, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> I have updated the wiki page with your announce and the other comments:
> I guess it's ok to send the announce to -devel now. Do you want to take
> care of it ?
For the next 3 weeks I am *really* tight on time since I am travelling
and working as mountain guide.
I can upload if wished for next friday or so, but for nothing else I
have time ATM.
If you can sent out the announcement that would be great, I will not manage
it. After the discussion there I would upload ASAP.
Thanks a lot and sorry again
Dr. Norbert Preining <> Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <> Debian TeX Group
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Huge benign tumours which archdeacons and old chemisty teachers affect
to wear on the sides of their noses.
--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff
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